Extremely Green
started as a local gardening company in the New Hampshire seacoast. We
were eager to find customers who wanted alternatives to the
traditional approach of using synthetic chemicals to feed plants and
control pests, weeds, and diseases in the garden.
Fortunately, growing numbers of people are questioning the old
practices that were more inclined to achieving fast results
than to a thoughtful, cautious stewardship of the biosphere. Our
gardening business, and now our web site, tries to connect those people
with good, proven organic products and practice.
Integrated Pest Management
In our own
business, we've adapted Integrated Pest Management (IPM) techniques to
deal with pests, weeds, and diseases. First we try to use cultural
practice to minimize or alleviate problems. Then we use low impact
remedies, such as beneficial insects and broad spectrum organic pesticides
and insecticides. Only as a last resort would we consider using anything
stronger and more toxic. Every treatment is weighed against its potential
effect on beneficial insects and microorganisms before we proceed. This
approach differs greatly from the traditional "nuke the nuisance" strategy
where toxic chemicals often don't distinguish between pests and beneficial
life forms. Check out Cornell University's IPM web
If you have suggestions, comments, or critiques of our
web site and its contents, please email us your thoughts
or write